Then I started to wonder what I could do now to earn some money, as the savings were running low. A friend of mine went through a dreadful life changing time - all in the space of a fortnight, and rang me several times to read the cards for her. Each time, I foresaw that she'd be okay, it would all work out at the 11th hour and 59th minute - which it did. She suggested that I started working for a psychic telephone line, I didn't believe I was good enough. She recommended me to the MD who called me to organise a test reading. Must have done okay because I began working for them five days later.
I have to confess, using my psychic abilities was tiring, which I mentioned to the woman who ran the development circle that I was sitting in - she suggested that I begin to bring in my mediumship more, as then I'd be channelling and it would tire me less. So I tried it, and it worked; but even better than that, I started to 'pick' up even more than I had before. She then started pushing me to take private clients..... so I did...... and the rest, as they say, is history.
I still work on the telephone lines, it's a great way to work without having to leave the flat and I can choose when I work. Quite often, my lovely spirit guide will let me know when I need to log on - I will feel his strong hands on the top of my head and I know I need to work. I'll prepare myself, connect with him and log on - and very quickly I'll get a call from someone who needs to sort of reading that we (my guide and myself) offer.
Life is interesting, I never saw myself as becoming a 'reader', but spirit has pushed my to work in the way that they want me to - and for the highest and greatest good of all clients.