Following my period of enforced rest, of 'being' rather than 'doing', of 'receiving' rather than 'giving'; I found to my horror that I have not been able to sense, hear or feel my spirit guides or angels with me or near me. I have known of course, that they were still with me, but couldn't consciously access their guidance nor even consider getting back to work.
They have held me in a space of recuperation, and now as I and my body heal and I'm actively clearing the pain relieving drugs from my liver, I am starting to feel, hear and sense them all again. Having lunch with an earth angel friend the other day, I found myself spontaneously channeling information for her; much to the surprise of the both of us! Strange the things that can happen over a plate of egg, ham and chips!
I am starting to feel that returning to work offering readings again is almost with me, much to my delight! I have missed offering readings, I enjoy so much bringing in the angelic presences for the benefit of others; channeling what the Angels would like the client to know and hear.
I stress at this point, my readings are not about straight predictions, the readings I offer with the help of the Angelic Realms are about guidance; although a measure of prediction may come into it. Each reading is completely different, so I can never know in advance what will transpire.
So how do my readings work for you? Before I begin to work, I consciously call the Angels and my spirit guides in, I offer a prayer and ask for the guidance and protection whilst I work for the highest and greatest good of all concerned. If the client is wanting to know when 'love' will come into their life, the angels will show us what needs to change in order for love to arrive. All of us have experienced hurt and emotional pain, and many have experienced such deep trauma and/ or hurt, that we may have, unwittingly, put up barriers to love coming in. So, they angels will show me what the person needs to do in order to heal those barriers and feel safe enough to allow love to enter their lives. They also show me usually, that once the healing journey is well underway, that the love will come in, in the form of a romantic partner.
Another scenario might be, that there is plenty of love in the client's life, but they are not able to see it or feel it, for what ever reason. The Angelic Realms then show me how to help the client to see, acknowledge and recognise the love that is already in their lives. (Yes, sometimes the Angels do give you homework to do!) By performing the exercises the angels describe and recognising all the love that surrounds them, their energetic vibration changes - it raises and become finer; which in turn attracts a romantic partner into their life.
Life then can unfold in the way the client desires.
My life is too unfolding. As I prepare to return to working for the highest and greatest good of others, I am aware that there will be new developments within my own working life. I have not yet been shown what will transpire, nor what additional works I will be engaging in. All will be revealed in the fullness of time; so for now I will trust and have faith. Strange though, I do wonder if they are already preparing me! I keep hearing the phrase 'All Things Angelic'; and am wondering if I need to expand my work to selling 'All Things Angelic' - maybe angelic greetings cards, angel cards, angel ornaments or what ever. I shall wait and see what comes to me next.
What do you think? Please do let me know.
And how can I and the angels, help you?
Many angelic Blessings.