Reflecting back over the last 5 years, it's amazing how much life has changed. If you'd told me then just what my life would be like now, I would never have believed you! Five year ago, I was a local government officer and practised the Angel healing in my spare time. Spare time? Was there any? Well not really! My youngest son and daughter were still living at home with me, my daughter had a baby - who also lived with me, we had a dog and I was commuting in and out of Oxford five days a week. Life was hectic, stressful and if I'm honest, a bit of a grind, but made bearable by the presence of Angels in my life.
I hated the job - I'd been redeployed into it after the previous job had gone due to funding cuts. The whole redeployment process had been a nightmare, we had been promised all this support and help, but it didn't materialise. Basically, we felt as though we'd been hung out to dry. We all gradually got sorted, but I was the last one - which was very hard emotionally. I was so fearful, afraid I'd never get another job, lose the house etc etc.
Fast Forward - I did get redeployed, the job might have been a match on paper, but the reality was far different. And my line manager -OMG! What can I say? She (bless her) was a nightmare and I ended up plunging into depression. But then the journey to that place had been difficult and stressful, and there's only so much anyone can take.
It was whilst in the job that I trained in Reiki and then Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) which is the Angelic healing I mentioned. The latter proved pretty life changing for me. I began working the Witney Psychic fayres as a healer, starting taking private clients at the weekends and I loved it! IET is such a powerful healing modality and it was wonderful to see people healing, growing and moving forward with their lives. I had an article about IET published in Kindred Spirit magazine which brought me many clients, including 7 who came regularly from London by public transport! Word spread and I had articles published in several more magazines, including Soul & Spirit; in the end there were several published by Soul including 2 in their one-off special Angel magazine.
Life went on, I was only in that last job for just over two years as the funding was cut and once again redundancy loomed. This time, I was less fearful, much more relaxed about the whole process, but then I'd been having regular IET myself, which paid dividends. This time, I did not want to be redeployed so put out a call to the Angels to bring me redundancy and allow me to practice IET full time. I also decided to train as an IET Master Instructor so that I could train others. I was already a qualified adult teacher and professional trainer so knew on the human level I could do it.
The job ended, I was paid off with the equivalent of 6 months salary and launched myself. Two weeks after leaving, I went on the only Master Instructor training that has ever taken place in mainland Britain (how that was achieved is another story!); a totally wonderful 2 days filled with powerful Angelic presences and signs. It was July and we'd take our coffee breaks outside on the terrace, and each time I would come back in with several Angel feathers stuck to the back of my skirt!
I then began offering to train others in IET, which I thoroughly enjoyed and have trained people from all over the country - if someone really knows it is for them and they connect well with you; then they will travel.
Fast forward again - life, IET continued but then I started to develop back problems. It was September 2010, I found that when I got out of bed in the mornings, paid would shoot across my lower back, and very often I'd fall back on the bed because it was so intense. It took several hours for my back to loosen up so that I could stand up straight.
Eventually I went to the GP who ordered an MRI scan, which revealed severe osteoarthritis in my lumbar spine and 3 prolapsed discs. I don't think either of us had expected this, and I was pretty shocked. Intense physio sessions were sorted, but I got worse rather than better. By the summer of 2011, I gave in and realised I really couldn't carry on working as a healer. Being on my feet was increasing the pain so much, so I gave in and got myself signed off. I'd had to cancel so many clients and workshops that I was in financial difficulty and couldn't pay the mortgage. We'd moved into that house 9 years before, I'd had a Feng Shui consultant check it all out (I knew i had to be there but didn't know why), only to be told that the house was on part of the St Mary ley line and the house had been waiting for a strong woman to work with the energies. I went for a tarot reading, as although I instinctively felt the only option was to sell up, I needed to be sure I was doing the right thing and also wanted reassurance that everything would work out.Well, the reading showed me that yes it was the right thing, that I needed to let go of everything, including the furniture. I had to leave the past behind and move into a new life. And..... my work with the energies of the ley line were complete, it was time to go.