Interesting word, so what does it mean? What did it mean for me the day that I pulled this little Angel Card? Don't complicate things, keep it simple and uncomplicated, oh gosh I don't know!
I know that I need to remain myself and in the flow of life, of Universal energy. The night before I pulled this little card, I got very excited as I'd secured a place to work at Kempton Park Holistic & Mystic fayre in April. A big and very popular event that I visited several times, and thoroughly enjoyed it..
I was not only excited, but then ego started to creep in with thoughts of: " I'm hitting the big time here." Such thought and feelings will not help anything or anyone at all; and certainly won't help the flow of energy in my life.
There is no room for ego in this work, so I need to 'keep it simple', remain humble and grateful. I reminded myself that it's not me, it is my spirit guides and Angels that work through me, I am merely the channel. They also work through my friends, who offer suggestions! Yes, be open to that happening in your life as well!
It's wonderful the guidance that's coming through, from what ever source, through whoever. A friend of mine suggested that I start running a psychic development group. My initial reaction was 'I can't do that!'; but it's already started. I put the energy out there, some positive actions and then I let go; I surrendered. I decided that if it was meant to be, it would happen. Within just a few days, I had enough participants and classes began last week.
Last summer, another friend suggested that I go back to writing magazine articles, so I gave that one some thought. I wrote an article based on all of the questions I get asked when I'm working at events, sent it off and the answer came back " Very interesting but no thanks." So I let it go.
Three weeks later, the commissioning editor contacted me, asking if I'd be up for writing an article on mediumship. Funnily enough, the brief was very similar to my rejected article; but you see, it had given them the idea. That article is now in the shops - in the February issue of Spirit & Destiny magazine. I listened to the guidance from my friends, accepted it with trust and look what's happened as a result??!!
I've remained in the flow, kept it simple, been grateful and have had so many bookings for readings as a result. And so many of these lovely new clients have said they'll be back. Isn't that lovely?
So the message is, keep it simple, remain true to yourself, keep it real and listen to the guidance that comes from what ever source. Keep it simple and remain humble, get excited by all means and certainly be in a space of gratitude. For that is the key.
Surrender, gratitude, simplicity and humility; but above all, stay in the flow of life..
Blessed be.