As you may recall, I underwent major spinal surgery last December, recovery has been long and hard recovery and I'm not there yet! I have been working hard on rebuilding my strength, building up my tolerance to sitting so that I could work more and coping with yet more crises with my elderly parents.
I have spread my wings more this year, and have worked at many events in locations I've not worked in before. I also chose to drop out of one regular event that I had started working t the year before, as it was costing me rather a lot, and I wasn't getting the return. I may be here to be of service to others, channel the guidance from the Angelic Realms, and just like all of you, I have bills to pay!
I've even offered readings at a local music festival, which was really nice! It was the hottest weekend of the year and quite a struggle to cope with the heat, but certainly generated plenty of interest from the music lovers! And... as the organisers have never had readers present before, he's asked us to go back and work there next year! Think I'll offer myself at many more music festivals next year, it was great fun!
My mother has dementia and despite being on a drug that slows down the progress of this cruel and life-limiting illness, she is deteriorating. Her general health is also deteriorating; she has a number of problems with her lungs and she had a very persistent chest infection this summer which has taken 3 courses of anti-biotics and two courses of oral steroids to clear. The good news is, the latest chest x-ray shows that the infection has finally cleared, but it's also showed up another problem, and she needs a CT Scan. I've know for some time, that as things progress, I'll need to make some very difficult decisions, and had always assumed that this would be around her needing to go into a nursing home at some point. Now, my intuition is telling me that this is more likely to be around treatment options as her health declines.
Part of me has had to accept that this situation with her health and dementia could potentially carry on for years; now my intuition is telling me that will not be the case. I have also 'been told' by my guides and Angels, that my role will shift to that of 'midwifing' her soul as she approaches her final transition into the spirit realms. In recent months, I have been 'visited' by the spirit of my beloved grandmother, grandfather (her parents) and her second husband a number of times, and they have let me know that they are preparing to come for her. In some ways I am glad that I am having the time to prepare myself for this, but in other respects, it is a heavy mantle to wear.
My dear 84 year old father has also been in crisis this summer, as my lovely step mother had to undergo emergency major surgery, and he was lost without her. He relies on her very heavily as she's been his sole carer for some years now. this once proud and very active man is so frail and unsteady on his feet. My intuition is telling me that both of my parents will pass into the spirit realms just months apart. I have to accept this and prepare myself as best I can.
I have decided that it is time to move on, I have lived in this flat, which has been my sanctuary for almost three years now, and I have given notice. I will be moving out in November. As yet, I do not know where I will be going and may need to stay somewhere temporarily with all my worldly goods in storage, until I find the right place. Although this can be a scary period, I have surrendered to the process and am going with the flow, and trusting that the Universe will take care of me. Although I do not relish the thought of staying in temporary accommodation, I also accept that this will be happening for a good reason; even if I am unable to see why at the present moment.
My own healing journey has accelerated this year, and with the help and support of a beautiful soul who practices acupuncture and Traditional Chines Medicine (TCM), I have released and am in the process of healing so many of my inner child wounds. I know that it's working, because when those 'buttons' get pressed, the emotional charge is so much less now, and I am responding differently. I really feel that I have reclaimed my own personal power.
The really interesting thing is, that I am using my own experiences to help and support others who are currently starting to work through very similar issues to my own. Part of my life's purpose for this incarnation, is to teach - not just formally (which I have done in the past), but also from my own experiences. It's fascinating to have callers on the psychic telephone line that I work for, and private clients as well, that are in need of guidance with their own healing journeys. I am able to say with conviction that I do understand how they feel, and with the help of my Guides and Angels, provide the much needed guidance on how they can progress, work with it, release and heal; to finally becoming the powerful souls that they are meant to be. I feel so privileged to be able to do this work, to be of service to those who are in need. Despite everything that I have been through, I am blessed to be of service.